Sunday, July 13, 2014

Happy Father's day!

It's Father's day.  We had cream cheese bagel sandwiches for lunch in bed.  Daddy gets a Sunday nap on this special day.

The kids decided they wanted to eat their lunch in the bedroom with him.  Decker found this portable table and set everything up with their chairs.  Decker is wearing hi birthday Cat in the Hat Hat that his teacher gave him for his birthday.
Daddy got a welder and a cart that he could put it on and roll around the shop.  He had the boys help him put it together.  They had a blast helping daddy.  Lots of screws meant lots of chances for them to help.  Great Father's Day project!

For Church on Father's day, the boys went up with the Primary to sing.  I was anxious, wondering what they were going to do this time.  (On Mother's Day, they got under the Sacrament table and had some of the leftover bread).  One of the bishopric came up to me afterwards and comforted me saying he and his brothers were worse.  They stood up on the seats under the hymn numbers and changed them.  The next year, they learned that if they hit the organ it would make a loud sound.  It made me feel a little better about my boys misbehaving. I think all they did this time was hide under the sacrament table.  I didn't see much singing going on.
Thank you Mike for all you do for our family.  You are so appreciated and loved!

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