Saturday, July 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Decker! 6 years old

For Decker's 6th birthday, we took him to Chuck E Cheese.  Soon after we arrived, we heard over the loud speaker that Chuck E would be coming out and giving free tickets.  You had to follow him around the restaurant.
 Then you had to follow him doing some dance moves.  By the end, Cody was doing some of the moves...
 Then he threw the tickets out and there was a mad scramble to pick them up.  Then we got a lucky visit from the big mouse himself. He gave Decker a birthday present...COTTON CANDY!  Grandma and I were both eyeing it and taking little handfuls.  YUM!!  I learned 4 days after his birthday party that Decker never ate any of his cotton candy.  He was asking me where it was....Oops, I guess we all ate it...with Cody getting the last bite.
Decker gave him knuckles..

 With Cody it was a different story..  He didn't want to have anything to do with him...later Cody asked where Chuck E went...we told him he went to his mouse hole to rest.  They couldn't believe there was a mouse hole big enough for him to get through.  Then even later in the night, Cody asked if he'd be coming out again....a little Love/Hate relationship going on.  :)


 We bought 100 tokens.  The boys would go spend a token, then come back and get another token and play another game.  They had great fun!  Even daddy had fun!
 This bike would go about 15 feet into the air if you pedaled the bicycle fast enough.  Decker got way high!  What a cool ride.
 Cody raced other horses on this one.
 Cody drove this car with Chuck E Cheese.  It even snapped a foto of the driver and printed it.  I've got that somewhere and will need to scan it.
 Cody's feet could hardly reach the pedals on the bike, so I would turn the pedals for him
 Then we used the leftover Jell=o cake for his birthday cake and sang happy birthday to him.  He was a happy camper! and could hardly wait to open his presents.  In fact, as soon as he woke up in the morning, he was asking if he could open at least one of his presents and wondered if we were all ready for his birthday celebration.  He had a hard time accepting that we wouldn't be doing any of the festivities until after everyone got home from work.  poor guy!
 I love this blurry chipmunk face!  :)

 Auntie k gave Decker all these pennies.  He was so excited.  He can't wait to go over to Auntie K's house and spend them in the gumball machine.
 Such cute boys!  Grandma gave each of them some new pajamas.  Which we put on each of them in the restaurant.

 And she gave them each balls too.
 We got him some kid size goggles to take to the pool
 And Mike got him an Ironman fishing pole...
 We got him some light up lights to put on his spokes of his bike so that they light up as you're riding at night.  Very cool.
 And Cody gave him some water balloons.
 can you tell he's excited about that one?

 And of course, what would his birthday be without Mac n Cheese and some cereal of his own to eat for breakfast?  The night was a success!  
He keeps telling people he is 6 and a half.  Need to teach him about his quarters.  :)  We are so proud of this little guy. He has become very independent, wanting to do everything himself.  He also has a little shadow who wants everything that he has and do everything that he does.  He loves to read and is reading so well.  He picked out a chapter book about cats at Value Village...I was a little surprised...but he loves cats too.  He really tries to be a peacemaker even though Cody can make that a challenge sometimes.  He and Cody love to talk about butts and farts...something that I never thought I would write, but it's a constant conversation piece between them, no matter how many times we ask them to not talk about them.  He loves to ride his bike at top speeds, he calls himself the Flash--though he told me I could call him Decker.  :)  He loves math and he has such a tender little heart.  We love this cute boy

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