Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nine Months and Counting

Wow! Has it been nine months already? I'm a little late in writing this...Decker turned 9 months on April 7th...It's amazing to see the difference in our little boy from when he was just 1 month old. See picture below. Decker had his Nine month check up and he is just a superb healthy little boy.
As far as his stats go:
His Weight is 17 lbs.4 oz this puts him in the 5 - 10% range.
His Height: 27 3/4 in. which puts him in the 25 - 50% range.
His Head Circumference: 17 1/2 which puts him in the 25 - 50% range.
A typical day this month:
He gets up around 7:30.
Breakfast: oatmeal and a 3/4 of a banana
He bathes and loves taking a bath in the big tub. He no longer takes baths in the kitchen sink... unless it's a quick emergency change.
He roams and plays around the house. --He entertains himself well and we've got our barricade up to keep him out of danger. ;)
Nap: 10:30 for 1 1/2- 2 hours and then he gets up around noon. He'll play for awhile and we read books. He loves his books. He knows how to turn the page and loves to look at the pictures and kiss them. His favorite book is "Numbers on a Farm".
Lunch: Rice cereal, veggie and an egg yolk or part of an avocado. I no longer get to be the only one eating the guacamole. He likes it too!
Nap: around 2:00 and sleeps for another couple of hours.
Gets up in time for daddy to come home and plays with him.
Dinner: 6:00 He likes chicken/turkey w/vegetables and rice cereal with some fruit to top it off. He also likes cottage cheese!!!
Bedtime: Then he goes to bed around 8:45 for the night to start the whole process all over again.
On March 23rd, I saw Decker cruise the couch for the first time! He is starting to get more and more mobile. He hasn't let go yet!
His top 4 teeth are coming in now and they kept him and me up one night. He's always been a good sleeper, but this night, I had to sleep with him in his room and was up all night with him. He likes to grind his teeth about fingernails on a chalkboard..this is worse! He must be exploring these new white things coming in.
He has a cute little snort that he does every once in awhile. He likes to crawl around with his toys hanging out of his mouth like a puppy.
He had his first whole dinner with us without any baby food on Easter. We made turkey gravy with rice. He had that with green beans and cottage cheese. He really liked it!
He took the sacrament for the first time this month too. He is just growing up soo fast! We are enjoying every minute of it.This is his picture when he was only 1 month old.


Michelle said...

Wow that bear really shrunk :)

Diagnose Rachel said...

Why do all the cute ideas happen AFTER i have kids? Love the bear comparison photos :)

When I read nine months on the blog, I thought for sure you were announcing a pregnancy, because Decker surely is just 5 months or so, right?

I was, FLOORED that HE really is really 9 months!

Can't wait till Sunday, to see if he'll cruise the RS chairs :)