Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas is for Kids

It's Decker's First Christmas...he probably doesn't understand all the christmas lights, presents under the tree, stockings hung by the chimney with care, gingerbread houses, and all the snow that has covered our town, but he sure has been mesmorized by the floating white snowflakes and bright shining lights on our "17 strands of christmas lights on our 'Gris-Wood' tree" in our living room, and the 15 foot snowman with buttons and eyes made out of clay pigeons built by Mike and the kids at Grandma Wood's house. On Christmas Eve, he got to be the star and play the part of Baby Jesus when we read the Nativity story and he even sang along to my piano playing of Christmas songs. See his video.

This Christmas, we prepared Decker for his next stages of life by getting him his own sippy cup that he's been busy trying to master. Orajel and teething rings filled his stocking for those days when teeth might start to pop through his sweet gums. We were thinking of his needs... Thank goodness for grandparents and cousins to fill his "wants" and get him some real toys to play with. :)

We had a beautiful White Christmas this year, --more snow than Redmond has seen in over 20 years! Over the past 3 days, it has snowed, rained and sleeted back and forth all day. The roads are precarious and the snow just keeps building up to where we've received almost 2 feet of snow!! We've been living at Grandma's house for 3 days, enjoying some carefree time with Nickie and Jon and his family. Nickie had her furnace fixed this year after spending many winters without central heating. While we were inside being cozy, playing Guitar Hero, reading and learning how to use an iPod, Mike climbed on top of Grandma Wood's house and shoveled heavy snow off her semi-flat roof.
For our Christmas meals this year, we strayed from the norm and had scones sprinkled with powdered sugar and honey on Christmas Eve, French toast for breakfast on Christmas morn and tacos with guacamole and salsa on Christmas Day. It was enjoyed by all!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That sounds wonderful! Cute video!