Sunday, January 29, 2017

Christmas Eve 2016

Our Christmas Eve was a little different than it had been in past years.  We didn't go to Skip and Angela's this year and the Todescos didn't throw their Christmas Eve party at their home.  We had our shopping done and so we spent the day making cookies and watching Christmas movies and just having a relaxing day.  --unlike past years where I feel like I'm always trying to rush around to get things done.  We delivered cookies to some families in the neighborhood and in our ward, worked on our Christmas Cards and got our letter finished.

We had a visitor come over.  Santa came and brought some legos for the boys and some body wash and a book for little Kaylie.  At one point, Cody asked us all to be quiet so he could figure out his Legos in peace....

Kaylie again was hesitant to take anything from a red dressed ELF!

YUMMM Popcorn for everyone!  Henry and the Purple Crayon! for Kaylie...not enough bright pictures in it to keep her attention...

Mike got his new gun too....

Like our fireplace to help set the mood??
After we read the story about Jesus being born from Luke, we opened our pajama presents.  Kaylie just hugged her jammies.  She was so thrilled at the soft texture.

The boys loved their Batman/Superman pajamas...

Santa came at about 2:00 a.m.  Me and dad tried to stay awake to get a glimpse of Santa for the boys and we did!!
He even tried out Decker and Cody's bikes!  Cody was concerned he wouldn't be able to get through our chimney with the mirror in the way.  I told him, all was possible with Santa...He's magical!

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