Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 2nd It's a Sunny Day!

Today was a beautiful Saturday.  The boys played out on the trampoline with our neighbor, Roarke.  Kaylie even made an appearance on the trampoline.  Everyone wanted to hold her and go down the slide with her.  Poor Cody, It's been a rough week for him.  He first face planted at his school causing the sores around his nose and mouth.  He said he was trying to flip off the swing.  Then today, he tripped in the yard and fell on some wood, giving him a black eye and this gash on his eyelid.  Then, he accidentally got kicked in the nose by Decker.  Rough day...he came in the house and said he wanted to lay down in his bed...took a little nap.  :)

Tulips and dandelions are out in bloom, along with all the pollen....Hello Hay fever!
  She's not so sure about all this grass...doesn't really like the feel of it.

Mike worked on fixing the fence that blew down in the storm.  Dad is going on a weekend trip to the Bay Area in San Francisco.  He's picking up a bunk bed that will be Kaylies in a couple of years.  Gordon Hunt made it in our shop several Christmas's ago for their daughter, who has now grown out of it and said they would love it for this little girl to have it.
After he left, the boys and I played a game of LIFE.  Cody was hoping for a little girl to add to his car so bad and when he had a boy, actual tears....He really wanted a girl...Reminds me of when I learned the gender of our first baby and it was a BOY.  So funny!
We had a fun time playing it and Cody ended up winning the most as the he always wants to be the lawyer.  ;)

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