Saturday, March 14, 2015


Mike decided to participate in the MoVember festivities.  It's a time when men can grow their facial hair to bring awareness to Men's Health Issues.
He started growing it the first day of November.  He had a hard time and wanted to shave it off for the first 3 weeks.  It was itchy and uncomfortable.  After he got past that, he started enjoying his beard.  He loved to comb it.  ;)  
Instead of shaving it off on November 30th, he decided to continue letting it grow through December. We took these pictures right after the New Year.  Mike fluffed it up with his comb to get the mountain man effect.
Then he went with a 70's style mustache. 
Then he cut off the handlebars and posed for a picture that copies a photo of his dad.  Now it's the New Year and here's to change!


Wanderlust Rach said...
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Sarah said...