Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Fourth of July! RED WHITE AND BLUE

For Independence Day, we had a lot lined up.  We started out the night before baking cakes.  We ended up baking 3 cakes...Red, Blue and White.
Morning Pancake Breakfast at the church with Kids' parade.
Barbecue at Sean Reid's with Ribs, chicken, burgers and dogs.  We had to bring a dessert, so Mike found this great Captain America cake.  We decided to try our hand at it...
Firework show out in Monroe, outside the racetrack with Steve, Laurie, Keppi and Mom Wood.

The cake batter...
 Decker liked eating the batter...YUM
 This was my first experiment with Fondant frosting.  It was easier than I thought it would be, but still a challenge.  But the experiment was a success and a hit at the Barbecue.
 When you cut into the see the American huh?

 Captain America gives it a Thumbs up!  ;)
 Pics from our vantage point for the fireworks.  Our old spot was closed off tonight, but we drove just a little further down the road and there was an open area with a couple of we pulled in.  There were these huge concrete blocks that the boys loved climbing...and I was nervous they were going to fall off and require another emergency room visit...
 Here is Decker's only wound for the night.  He was running down the dirt path and fell, he wanted me to take a picture of it.
 Then the show started. Monroe was amazing because we were surrounded by these hills and there were fireworks going off all around us...even on our drive home after the big show, there were so many fireworks that caused us to pull over and just watch them.  It was amazing!

Here's pics back to the building of our Captain America cake.  We had to cut out the middle of the Blue cake and place it around the top 3 tiers of stripes.  6 layers total.
 Before we put on the frosting and fondant.
 Frosted...not pretty, but there so the fondant will stick to it.

 From our pancake breakfast..Mike was on the line flipping pancakes... ;)
 The kids all parked their decorated bikes here.
 Cody had his bike and Decker had his balance bike.

 Back to our firework show...waiting for the show to start...The boys loved playing in the back of Steve's pick up truck...
 Cody loved playing with Scooby....throwing his dog frisbee.  He's got quite the arm.


  Decker loved playing with Scoobs too.

 Steve was trying to one up me...He has this blue starred shirt that he likes to wear on the fourth and I have my blanket...

 Grandma Lyon pieced the top, blue and white polyester squares.  I added the bottom red white and blue backing and tied it all together.  It's my heaviest quilt and perfect for the Fourth of July.  We love to use it on picnics
 Cheese Puffs are one of the best snacks!
 Decker has his snow boots on... :)  Chilly night...
 Dad was sitting on top of one of the cement blocks.

 Grandma and Keppi came out to Monroe to join us for the fireworks too...they got there just as the show ended.  :(  But with all the fireworks everywhere in Monroe, they still saw many beautiful fireworks.
Then at the end of the night, Mike got a call from his friend Kevin.  Kevin was out on his boat for the Lake Union firework show and saw that the dry stack at Mike's work was on fire.  What ensued, were several phonecalls and emails and texts alerting his bosses and coworkers of the fire at Seattle Boat.  We got home just as the 11 o'clock news was starting and saw the news reports of the boats that were on fire.  Mike ended up going into work Friday morning to help with clean up and recording VIN numbers for all the boats that burned.  It all started from a firework falling into a boat and catching fire. 14 boats were destroyed--About 1.5 million dollars of damage.  So sad!  Mike found out that to keep your boat in their dry stack facility, each boat has to have insurance, so the boat damage lies with the owners.  Seattle Boat will still have to repair/replace the dry stack

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