Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Leaving is hard to do (Thanksgiving)

It's always hard to say Good-bye.  I loved these pictures of Isabel and Cody.  Cody loves to hug and is a snuggle bug.

 Thank you grandma and grandpa for a great week!
 We'll see you next time!
 It only took about 10 minutese before both Cody and Decker were konked out in the backseat.  Smooth sailing all the way to Nephi!  We stopped there and shopped in the local Joann's since they were having their Thanksgiving day sale of buy one get one free embroidery threads.  Early Christmas present to me.  Then we stopped at Cafe Rio and had the Enchilada style pork burrito and the boys ate their "free" cheese quesadillas. We also met someone in there that had a baby blanket like Cody and Decker's.  We compared techniques.  :)  Mike was so proud of the blanket I made he ran out to the car to show her.  We got to Salt Lake around 10:00 p.m.  Then we got up and left around 5:00 a.m. to head back to Seattle.  What an awesome trip!

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