One is "BIG TOY".
I've called them playground's, jungle gyms or swingsets all my life. But now I call it a BIG TOY. It's what you see at a park or school playground and our own backyard. ;)
Our Bishop's children have all grown the stage of playing on this Big Toy and asked if we might like it for our little Decker! Wow did we ever jump on that one! All he asked is that we dissemble and haul it away. Yeah!
So now it's at our house and Mike has been working on assembling it. We need to get some swings with fresh chains on it, and kill all the spiders living on it, but that is about it. So far, Decker is loving it! Even when the slide is lying flat on the ground. He tries to "slide" down it.
The steering wheel is another of his favorite parts about this toy.
Speaking of Big Toy's-- this same weekend friends, Dave and Steve came over to help flatten out our yard after we dug it up last month. Decker loved watching the tractor work!
This is one of the holes left from a huge stump pulled out of the ground. It's in a far corner of our yard and so we're filling it with rocks that cover our yard. See the Brick flying through the air?
Now, since the yard is leveled, we have rocks everywhere that we need to rake and get rid of before we seed the yard with grass. It made me remember when I was younger and my parents bought a house that had a backyard that was full of rocks. Dad gave each of us kids that were able a 5 gallon bucket and we started filling them with rocks...we need about 5 more kids for that one to work in our yard. ;) So on to plan B...
That is so cool!
hehehe. So cool! That is A BIG BIG toy! WOW Decker will have so much fun!
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