Sunday, July 12, 2009

Boating 6/27/09

Working for Seattle Boat has it's of them is borrowing a company boat for the day on Lake Union and Lake Washington...

We were really close to the float planes coming in for landings... Mike sees one now...

There it is...

Decker was so cute staring out at the Seattle skyline while dancing... check out this video on

Decker fell asleep for about 1 1/2 his bed head! ;)We picked up Uncle Jon and Ilee and Quinten in Kirkland. Decker didn't remember them being on the boat before he fell asleep....
Swimming in Lake Washington
Who wouldn't think their mom was cool after this picture???

Jon and Ilee enjoying the warm/cold waters...

It's Decker's turn...Such a good sport...

Who knew that this would be the last time Decker nursed during the daytime???
We boated down to Kidd Valley and had some burgers....
Decker enjoyed his French Fries... And the ducks enjoyed our uneaten French Fries...
It was an AWESOME DAY spent TOGETHER!!!

Thank you Seattle Boat!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That looks way fun! My aunt used to take us boating. I think the last time we did that, I was about 15 and we had to stop at Ivar's because my exchange student from Austria had to use the bathroom really, really bad. :-D