Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kaylie is 2 months September 1st

In our photo shoot for her 1st month pictures...How can I delete any of these pictures???
Kaylie is 2 months old and it just keeps getting more and more fun.  I remember the first couple of days home from the hospital and wishing that she wouldn't grow any older and wanting to hold her at the stage she was in.  Thank goodness there is another plan, because she has just continued to bring more JOY into our home and family.
Her stats:
Weight:  13 lbs 4 oz. (90%)
Height:  23.7 inches (90 - 95%)
Head circumference:  15.7 inches (90%)
It looks like she has lost a little hair in the front, though it is still very long on top and we can do a mohawk.  :)
She is getting strong and is able to hold her head up with little support.  We practice tummy time and has fallen asleep for a nap that way a couple of times and slept for a couple of hours.
The grunting has subsided a's not as loud as she used to be...though there are times that I can hear her trying to work things out.  She went a couple of days without pooping and when going to the Dr, was told to not worry about it unless it gets to 7 -10 days.  And as soon as we talked to the dr.  she pooped.  So she's had a couple of times where she has held it in for a couple of days, then explosion.  lol
She has found her fingers and I will hear her sucking on preference for anyone finger, but she does like her fist.  
Her sleeping just gets better and better.  We had one night she slept til 7:00 a.m. and I actually wanted to wake her up because I was so engorged.  A good EIGHT hour stretch has become the norm this month.  Bed around 9:30 and she would wake up at 4:00.  I can put her in her bassinet drowsy yet awake and she can soothe herself to sleep.  Of course it is after she has eaten on Both sides.    It's been great!  She is such a great sleeper!

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