Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kaylie is 1 month

At her 10 day check up after being born, she weighed 8 lbs 14oz. (75-90%) Almost back up to her birth weight.  
She is 21.8 inches putting her in the 98%.  I don't think she shrunk since the measured her at 22 inches when she was born, I don't think the dr.s assistant pulled her straight enough as the dr.s did in the hospital.
Head circumference was 15.2 inches also in the 98th percentile.

At her ONE month check up, she weighs 11 lbs 5 1/2 oz (90%)
Length:  22 3/4 in 95%.--She's now even taller.  ;)
Head Circumference 15 1/2 in.  (98%)

Kaylie is such a happy baby.  She smiles regularly--which just surprises me each time she does it since she is so young.  I was nursing her and I was talking to her...saying how happy we were that she is here and I said, "You make me so happy."  and I got the biggest grin out of her.  
Her sleep habits the first month have been amazing.  She goes to bed around 9:30 and will wake around 4 - 6 hours later.  and then after feeding her she will sleep till about 6:00.  We did have one night that she slept 8 hours...of course, I was waking up to make sure she was still breathing.  lol Our Doctor said that is great, but I can't guarantee that will last.  Put the fear into me that she might revert to a 2 hour feeding schedule through the night.
There have been days that I feel like I am feeding her all day long.  She sleeps well in the swing and will sleep 2 -3 hours at a time, unless a little Cody gets on top of her to give her a love.  He can't get enough of her.  Which is mostly endearing and some times frustrating at the same time.  
Nursing is going well, I look forward to the day when I'm not as sore.  :)
She grunts a lot!  She works on her Bowel movements when in her bassinet and she is loud.  It keeps both Mike and I awake listening to her.  It almost sounds like she is in pain.  I remember Cody being a grunter too.  We're not ready to move her out of our room yet though.
These are her ONE month pictures.  We took them the day of the blessing.

one of my favorites...

Having a C Section is definitely different than a vaginal delivery.  I get to the point where I can't move without pain if I stand for too long or sit too long or do any kind of walking.  It was so nice to have my mom here for almost 2 weeks.  She extended her stay, which was so helpful because she got me and Kaylie to all our Dr.'s appointments, entertained the boys, fixed their meals, cleaned our house.  I felt so guilty and grateful at the same time.

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