Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Kaylie is 4 months old!! November 1st 2015

She is 15 pounds 8 oz. in the 75th %
Her length is 2 feet 1.5 inc 90th %   --That's 25 1/2 inches.
Her head circumference is 16.5 inches.  75th %
At 3 1/2 months, she has moved to her own room this month.   She is sleeping in the big crib now.  After using our bassinet for 3 babies...time to move it out.  Sad...
The last couple days of the month, she has started to grab things with her hands.  Learning they are tools.  With that, she is bringing things to her mouth.
We started reading her books.  Dinner for chicks and Bedtime for chicks.  She is really interested in the pages and tries to turn them with her hands.
She is still sleeping through the night.  She goes to bed around 8:30-9:00 and will sleep till anywhere between 5:30 - 7:00 a.m. Typically around 6:00.  She'll nurse and then go back to sleep for a couple of hours.  When she wakes up in her crib, she is happy and content and doesn't cry to get out.
If the boys hear her making noise, they like to go in and give her silly faces and play with her before they leave for school.
We have put her in the jumper and is starting to jump around more vigorously.  She has strong legs and likes to stand when being pulled to standing position.
She is just a joy and loves to giggle. Her brothers entertain her and she always has a smile for them as they figure out special ways to make her giggle.  If Kaylie is crying, Decker will sing "Kaylie over the ocean, Kaylie over the sea", It calms her down.
Cody likes to say "Autobots" as he claps her fists together.  this makes her laugh!  I have to make sure he's not squeezing her hands too hard or being too rough.  He can get a little excited.
Decker has started to feel confident with Kaylie--in picking her up and carrying her around...He actually got her out of her crib by himself.  I'm not quite ready for this, but he has shown to be very careful with her.
Kaylie's first movie was Hotel Transylvania 2. For Mike's Birthday celebration, we all went to see it with Grandma and Auntie K.  She was awake for most of it, but did doze off for a bit.   An excellent customer.
We bought new shoes for the boys this month. and Decker learned to tie his shoes-he now has shoes with shoe laces!  Cody is getting close.

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