Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fun activities for the summer

In addition to TWO weeks of Bible Camps at two different locations, the boys had Two weeks of Swimming lessons and they got to participate in a Soccer camp.  The day of the soccer camp was blistering hot, even in the morning. (July 31st)  this was one of my first adventures out with all 3 kids by myself.  I left the boys at the camp and then went shopping for the birthday party that the boys attended later that day. Aili and Aria each turned 6!  They had a Teddy Bear birthday.  The boys could each bring a stuffed animal with them.
This soccer camp was run by some of the Young Women in our ward.  We had bid on it at the auction they held earlier in the spring.

 Soccer's all about the oranges for snack afterwards.

We went swimming at the Condo a few times.  The summer was HOT!  These few pictures were taken on June 23rd, 7 days before Kaylie was born.  Crazy how the body can change during pregnancy!

 Friday night pizza at the pool


 Someone is avoiding the camera...

This is from their swimming lessons.  I thought I would be able to take the kids each day.  They had them for 2 weeks -4 days each.  However, having a Cesarean changed everything.  I barely left the house, let alone the upstairs of our house.  I had to rely on Auntie, K, neighbors and Myrna from Pointe East to take them every day.  It was such a blessing to have so much help.  The boys did fantastic.  They were each in their own class.  Stephanie was their teacher. 

They each got to go down the slide at the end of their lessons.  Usually, you have to swim across the pool unassisted before they allowed anyone to go down.

Ryder was in Decker's class.

It was a great experience for both of them.  Will probably do it again next year.

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