Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Critters found in our yard May 6, 2015

disclaimer: I'm not sure why blogger is uploading my pictures as a portrait instead of landscape...I'm not sure how to change it either....
Mike is out mowing the lawn  with the boys and he comes into the house like this...

What could be under that shirt?  oooohh  Baby Bunnies!!!

 so we took the boys into the bathtub and they got to hold and play with them... They are all in heaven.

 Even this softie.  :)
 He found four of them...
 They were sure cute!

After holding them for a good 40 minutes, it was time to put them back...and oh the tears came...

 Of course we all wanted to keep them. But what if mommy had lost one of you?  She would definitely want you back....
So we put them back in their hole.
A week or so later,we were barbequeing and had the deck door open.  I heard what I thought was a baby bird in it's nest chirping excitedly as his momma came to feed them, after running outside to find this sweet little bird,we realized it was a raven attacking one of our baby bunnies and carrying him off.  Mike was so upset, he ran downstairs to chase the bird and try to save the bunny.  So sad to see one of our sweet gifts of spring being carried off.

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